We finally reached park headquarters around 9:00 and got our backcountry pass. Then we went to go buy water (Michel had an allergic reaction to the plastic that held the water he had brought). Next it was over to Homer Ranch where we hauled 6 1/2 gallons of water to the bear box for a pick up the next day. Time to back track! We finally reached the Chisos Basin Visitors Center around 11:45 and after a pack check (mine turned out to be the heaviest) we were off.
Starting out this time of day turned out to be a real challenge. It was hot (high 90's) and we were all just getting our legs beneath us. The first leg was a 3.3 mile climb up 1500ft to Laguna Meadow. After reaching it around 2:30 we ate lunch, then went up to the Colima Trail intersection to leave water for Sunday (.8 miles each way). Believe me, I was glad to get rid of that water! I had been carrying a 1.5-2 gallon bladder up the Laguna Meadow Trail and it had really taken a toll on me. I was getting pretty light headed and winded. Slowing my pace seemed the best way to help this. After taking care of the water logisitics, we headed down the Blue Creek Trail (a 5.5 mile trail to Homer Ranch).

At this point, I should probably pause to talk about an important development. We had budgeted 1 gallon water/person/day. Michel drank a little more than 2 today! Not a problem for today but this is going to a be a real concern for the next two. Patrick, Michel and I have already had a few debates about how he could ration himself or drink less of the OJ he brought (it might be making him more thirsty) or stop chugging water..... but it has been to no avail. Michel is concerned his body is still dehydrating and thirsty despite the amount he has already drunk. This puts us in a difficult logistical spot since he is drinking twice the water we have brought for him. In the end, I volunteered to give up 1/2 gallon of my next days 2 gallons. This will be hard for me but the alternative is to pack out the way we came tomorrow. I am not excited about that! Anyway, this is part of the learning that happens when you head out with new companions.
The Blue Creek Trail was very nice. For a long while it followed the dried up river bed occasionally ducking beneath huge trees completely out of place in this desert. Eventually we came to a narrow canyon that was almost like a very mini Bryce Canyon. There were a bunch of balanced rocks and other cool formations formed by the water's erosion.

By the time we came out of that canyon, all 3 of us were wasted.... it had been ~10 miles of hiking in hot, dry weather and we picked up a back country campsite at 7:30pm (1/2 mile shy of Homer Ranch). I think I got a little sunburned today.... I am writing at 9:20pm and my face is still radiating heat. I applied SPF 30 twice but it looks like I may need more tomorrow.
Tomorrow's goal is Juniper Canyon....an 11 mile hike from here along the Dodson Trail. We will pass an intermittent water source at Dodson Spring (around mile 6). For Michel's sake, I hope there is water there! Good night. I am beat... typical day 1 on the trail.
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